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Use Publishable API Keys in Client Requests

In this document, you'll learn how to use Publishable API Keys in client requests.

Publishable API keys are only for client-side use. They can be publicly accessible in your code, as they are not authorized for the Admin API.

Using Medusa JS Client

When using Medusa’s JS Client, you can pass it to the client only once when you create the instance of the client:

const medusa = new Medusa({
maxRetries: 3,
baseUrl: "",

This will add the API key as in the header parameter x-publishable-api-key on all requests.

You can also use the setPublishableKey method to set it at a later point:

const medusa = new Medusa({
// ...

// at a later point

Using Medusa React

You can pass the publishable API key to the MedusaProvider component:

const App = () => {
return (
queryClientProviderProps={{ client: queryClient }}
// ...
<MyStorefront />

Then, the API key will be passed in the header parameter x-publishable-api-key of every request.

Using Other Methods

For other ways of sending requests to your Medusa backend, such as using the Fetch API, you must pass x-publishable-api-key in the header of every request. Its value is the publishable API key’s id.

fetch(`<BACKEND_URL>/store/products`, {
credentials: "include",
headers: {
"x-publishable-api-key": publishableApiKey,

See Also